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NDSU Makerspace

The NDSU Makerspace is an area for students to express their creativity and showcase their skills. The design promotes collaboration by including large desks and drafting areas so that students can work with others to create unique and creative designs. The space also allows freedom of movement by implementing height adjustable chairs, tables and whiteboards so that students can feel comfortable within the space. Safety is of utmost importance in this space and the machinery requires training and knowledge in order to use properly. Therefore, color blocking the floor with the required safety distance and setting the machines in an area with color helps emphasize where to stand and where machines are located. Colors such as yellow, green, and orange will be used to stay cohesive with the library and represent school pride. A glass wall will be implemented to attract students’ attention to the space. The Makerspace in the NDSU Library will represent a creative and inspiring space that will encourage students’ future projects, whether personal or academic.


This was a group project that allowed our group to work on a real campus project, helping us learn how to communicate with clients, observe the space as it has been used, and work with a budget. The design proposal was then presented to NDSU staff.


NDSU Library,

Fargo, ND


Spring 2021,

3rd Year

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